Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Kumusta everyone! 

     The Manila MTC so far has been pretty crazy!  I can't say it has been awesome cause I've had a really hard time missing home and studying the language, but it continues to get better and better each and every day!  It has been a consistent pattern of emotions every day - the day starts off super happy and optimistic, then after 6 hours of language study and a few hours of gospel study the optimism wears off pretty hard.  
     All of the guys here (except a notable few) are SUPER solid missionaries.  The senior language training missionaries like Elder Darrington have been super welcoming and helpful and those guys are great role models!  They've only been here for three weeks so that lifts my spirits to know that we're all going through it together. 

      I haven't felt too much of the spirit these last 5 days but I know that It will come with faith, prayer, and time, just like all things.  
     One of the most powerful things we have learned here is that the Lord is waiting to shower us with blessings like the Gift of Tongues, but we have to ask to receive them.  Along with that, we learned that nothing is accomplished without faith!
     I encourage everyone to read ETHER 12 : 6,7,12   From those verses we learn that everything Christ did was through faith.  Not only must we ask of God to receive his blessings and his mercy, but we also have to have faith to know that he will bless us, and if he doesn't it is for good reason!

     Elder Smoot, the Phillipines area 70 came yesterday and he gave a great talk, but more notably - after the meeting we all shook his and his wife's hands' and it was cool to meet him, but his wife's only words were, "Elder Harris!  You need a razor!"   I was definitely annoyed, but it was pretty funny.  From now on, I shave every day.

I love and miss everyone that is reading this email and I appreciate your prayers!

Mahal ko kayong lahat!
Kita kits!