Sunday, February 9, 2020

Manila MTC week 4?

The days are beginning to blend together here I can't even remember what went on last week!  BUT, we got to go proselyting for the first time last week with the manila missionaries.  It was the coolest experience ever and I'm so excited to get out to Naga to finally get started.  We went to their mission home and set some goals, then immediately got in a jeepney (small taxi like truck) and started working!  We got out and started walking in these tiny alleyways where people's houses are, and the first person we said "Kumusta po kayo!" to, totally talked to us for like 20 minutes outside his little tiny house. His name was Jae, and he opened up to us really quickly and we gave him a pamphlet, talked about the restoration and got his info for a return appointment!  My very first missionary experience was somehow a success!  I don't know what will happen to any of the 6 people we talked to that day, but they were so receptive of our message!  I'm insanely grateful to be here because some of these people are basically aching to hear our message.  

and they like to stare at my white skin and orange hair.

In other news,  I arranged the MTC anthem that our president and his wife wrote, and we sang it as an MTC for Elder Bangeter.  It was loads of beans cool and I saw president shed a tear so I was cheesin.

We had cheese flavored ice cream and that was a regrettable experience.  Then we had chocolate ice cream yesterday and I think I ate ~12 cones.  There's these candies here called pochi's and they are super addicting.  I promise to take more pictures of all this stuff.

My district has decided to invest in rubber bands recently, so now we spend lots of time making rubber band balls and bouncing them all over the place.  Loads of fun to say the least. 

-mamba mentality
-view from our district room
more next week sorry

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